Indications of Manual Detorsion It can serve as a temporizing measure to attempt to reperfuse the testis while the patient is awaiting definite surgical management. Contraindications of Manual Detorsion • Manual detorsion is not recommended for torsion of duration >6-8 hours (prolonged ischemia leads to marked swelling and edema after which manual detorsion is not effective) • Manual detorsion should not delay scrotal exploration and bilateral orchipexy in the operating room. • It is indicated only in acute testicular torsion. Attempting this maneuver in epididymitis and torsion of appendix testis although may not be harmful, will be extremely painful and of no benefit. Procedure of Manual Detorsion Testis twist with inward rotation in 70% cases of testicular torsion and the average number of twist in cord is 2 (720 degrees). A dose of analgesic and/or short-acting axiolytic may be used to blunt the discomfort of detrosion.