Skeet grade sk/sk -paid 675.00 in late 90's, hope these prices give you some idea of what they sell for. I live in the U.P. Of Michigan and hunt grouse over my English Setters and these guns are great for the money.
Who made or imported the Ithaca model 500 serial number s5550113? The gun was made by SKB in Japan and imported by Ithaca, starting in 1966. I don't know when your particular gun was made.
If I wanted to do an in depth search of models, other than just the year of manufacture. Where would I look or who would I contact? Knowing that Ithaca made X number of model37's in a given year is very helpful. But if I'm looking at an older Ithaca model 37, how would I find out if it's in original configuration (as shipped from the factory).