Minecraft Military Base Seed
The following ten seeds will work with various versions of the game, so be sure to select your version. Seed: - Version: 1.26 This seed will take a moment to insert correctly into your game, but the rewards are worthwhile, we promise!
The player will begin their adventure on a very small island. Walking around the edge will enable the chunks to load completely. Upon doing this, a monument should appear near the opposite end of where sugar cane is growing on the island. Make use of this monument! Group Together! Seed: -51571709 Version: 1.26 This is an odd seed, as it has a lot of different biomes grouped so closely together.
A snow biome surrounds a jungle biome, for example. Vocaloid characters. To make things even weirder, there is a hole that perfectly resembles a meteor crater nearby the spawn point. Villagers live inside of the caves within this hole, and there are a lot of random animal spawns scattered about.
Minecraft Pe Military Base Seed
Minecraft Pe Military Base Seed
Village Cluster Seed: -794689339 Version: 1.26 This is a pretty basic seed for the PS4 version, but one that is infinitely useful for new players to the game. The starting area will include a village with an ever-useful blacksmith nearby. In total, there are four other villages within the immediate area. Loot things to your heart's content! Seed: -492867 Version: 1.26 This is such a wonderful seed, as it includes a village and a water temple so very close to your spawn location. You can explore both and loot absolutely everything you can find to make your adventure easier. Village X:325 Y:70 Z:374 Water temple X:39 Y:63 Z:-296 Bogged Down Blacksmiths Seed: 2065 Version: 1.26 One user came across this seed totally by random while searching for a great survival world.